Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tzu
We often fear what we cannot understand. Before the lightbulb, people probably thought humans turning night into day was crazy. Before airplanes were invented, people probably thought humans flying was an insane idea. Before the internet, people from decades ago would probably think we are all absurd to be able to communicate with others all over the world while staying in the comfort of our own home, cafe or wherever we may be.
All these insane ideas came from people who wanted to make a difference in the world. Don’t you think the most memorable changes came from the most outrageous theories? Often, these theories were ridiculed and frowned on until someone was able to provide proof for them.
Among the people who provided the proofs, all had something in common. They all pursued their passions even if everyone else called them bizarre. Why do most people consider “things that has never been done before” crazy?
From attending a TedX San Diego event, while everyone of the speakers were unique, each one did have something similar. All the panels wanted to prove that they were not going to stop making changes in the world. They all began with a single step towards their goals.
The best physical example of a goal is marathons. Coming from the article and while observing athletes during the Olympics, these are the common themes:
If we were to consider running a business as a combination of a marathon, a race relay and triathlon, the following applies:
If we treat business as a race, then the journey does matter more than the destination. Why? Doesn’t a race usually start and end in the same location since the path is circular? In that case, the experience itself makes it important, not the goal.
Whether the game is a marathon, race relay or triathlon, all of them still have something in common and that is you. Only you can create that experience through your choices. What of those choices will you be making today?
Business is a marathon, not a sprint. Success comes from endurance, strategy, and steady progress over time. — Unknown