Goldlilys Media

San Diego Web Design and Development Company

Performance, Security and Simplicity

A website has a life of its own. Managing a website can be a daunting task, if not done properly. From observing many different websites, the performance, security and simplicity are affected by its hosting location.

In any case, Goldlilys Media will fine-tune every part of your hosting server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP [LAMP stack], server configurations) so that your website is up 99.9% of the time.

If your business/organization sells products or services and requires an E-commerce site, Goldlilys Media recommends to:

  • Include SSL and additional security added to your server
  • Setup Norton Secured Seal and/or McAfee Server Virus Scanner  to protect your customers as well as your business from identity theft, fraud, viruses, and other online threats

Apart from having a fast and secure website, we aim to maintain updates as simple and flexible as possible. Have you ever heard of the rule "if it takes more than 2 clicks to get something done, most people prefer to leave"? We want to avoid more than 2 clicks, attract new customers and make your life simpler. Who doesn't want a simple and happy life?

How Do You Plan For Security?

“Without order nothing exists, but without chaos nothing evolves.” – Unknown

Everything in the world exists in balance. Order is necessary for day to day tasks to run smoothly. But chaos is required for innovations and change. Since every positive has a negative, the ability to know and understand chaos determines how secure your business really is.

What Is A Better Way To Organize Time and Space?

“The key to organizing an alternative society is to organize people around what they can do, and more importantly, what they want to do.” - Abbie Hoffman

With the entire world’s information available just a few keystrokes away, why is it still difficult for changes to occur in our society? Why does it seem like problems appear exponentially while solutions emerge one by one? What can be done to organize activities so that they run more efficiently and effectively?

How Is It Possible For Santa Claus To Go Around The World In A Day?

“I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.” - Dan Millman

Does Santa Claus exist? The answer for that question is a maybe, not a yes and not a no. But the true question is not whether he exists or not, but rather how is he able to go around the world in a day to deliver presents to a billion people around the world? How does he do it?


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Hera Hub Mission Valley
8885 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 237
San Diego, CA 92108

Hera Hub Sorrento Mesa
9276 Scranton Rd #600
San Diego, CA 92121

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm

For a consultation, schedule an appointment.