Goldlilys Media

San Diego Web Design and Development Company

Skills and Qualifications


University of California San Diego
Major: BS, Computer Science and Engineering, June 2008
Honors: Regents Scholarship Award (2002-2003)



Example Code: Github


Basic: Assembly, C, C++, Java, Java Servlets, JSP, ML, Prolog, Python, Ruby
Professional: AJAX, CSS(3), JavaScript, JSON, MySQL, PHP, Sass, SQL, (X)HTML(5), XML

Content Management Systems / Frameworks / Generators / Libraries / Package Managers

Angular (1 so far), Backbone, Bootstrap, Bower, Compass, Composer, Concrete5, Drupal, Foundation, Grav, Grunt/Gulp, Homebrew, jQuery, WordPress, Yeoman, YUI

Testing Tools & Concepts

CasperJS, Drush, Firebug, Frisby, Jasmine, PhantomJS, Selenium, Travis, WP CLI, YSlow, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Test Driven Development (TDD)


Adobe Creative Suite, Aptana, Balsamiq Web Mockup, Dropbox, Filezilla, Magento, MathLab, Microsoft Office, Visio and Visual Studios, Tortoise SVN / GIT

Operating Systems / Workstations / Editors / Version Controls

Linux, Mac, Solaris / SUN, Ubuntu, UNIX, Windows, Eclipse, Emacs, PhpStorm, Sublime Text, VI, Beanstalk, Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab, CVS, GIT, SVN

Web Servers / Runtime Environments / Messengers

Acquia Dev Desktop, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apache, CentOS, Cpanel / WHM, Laragon, LiteSpeed, MAMP / WAMP, Pantheon, Vagrant / Virtual Box, NodeJS, Hangouts, GoToMeeting, MIRC, Skype, Slack



Drupal Association Member        Drupal Con LA 2015        Drupal Con Volunteer 2015       Drupal Member Drive


   Hera Hub badge   San Diego Chamber of Commerce   SDEE Member   Ready Rating Member Seal



Codementor badge


We Accept Checks, Paypal, Square, OR Stripe

A few words from our clients ...

"Frances displayed a high degree in patience in making our dreams come true as much of our decision making was by committee which can be a challenge to some. Frances is the ultimate professional. "
"Frances has been working with my company, ReAdventured, for over a year and I have been continually impressed with both her technical skills and excellent client service."
Joan Brackin, Entrepreneur Accelerator l Small Business Enabler l Social Movement Creator
Someday Is Now

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Hera Hub Mission Valley
8885 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 237
San Diego, CA 92108

Hera Hub Sorrento Mesa
9276 Scranton Rd #600
San Diego, CA 92121

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm

For a consultation, schedule an appointment.