The human body is not a thing or substance, given, but a continuous creation. The human body is an energy system which is never a complete structure; never static; is in perpetual inner self-construction and self-destruction; we destroy in order to make it new. – Norman O. Brown
Every form of living organism has its own mechanism that allows itself to survive. Our body enables us to see, to hear, to touch, to smell, to taste and to grow. The only time when humans need external help to grow is when we are babies where we do not understand what it means to have those senses yet. After learning the fundamental movements, the human body continually changes on its own.
While networking, a chiropractor presented that if people lack movement and always stay stagnant, their muscles will deteriorate. If you keep doing the same type of movement like sitting around all day, you increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, some form of cancer and even reduce the quality of your life.
According to Live Science, it is said that the human body is a very complex system composed of many parts. Some parts translate well to explain why websites should constantly grow and improve along with your business. The following is some of those comparisons:
Life itself is a very complex system. Our body enables our movements and our brain controls our actions. Respectively, our actions reveal who we are and what we are capable of. If the brain is like a muscle, then the less you use it, the faster it will deteriorate.
To prevent our brain from deteriorating, everyone should continually learn something new and grow. Why? Because the world changes every day and nothing stays the same.
If your website is static and does not change since there are no regular movements, what does that say about your capabilities? If your website does not reveal any form of change, how do you expect your customers to know if you are growing and getting better?
A website functions like a human body: the design is the appearance, the code is the skeleton, and the content is the heart that brings it to life. — Unknown